Why is saving money better then education resources?|||Republicans want to cut govt because running govt costs money which means taxes have to be paid...and usually taxes hurt the rich the most ......and while Republicans will deny that their philosophy is geared to protecting the rich...it cannot be denied that their policies do always put the rich first at the trough.
In fact, irregardless of whether they purposefully want policies that help the rich...the fact of the matter that if you asked the question..who does this policy view point help the most ..the rich or the middle class or lower class, 100% of the time you will find that the Republican point of views protects the rich over everyone else.
For example ..if you ask a Republican whether they hate outsourcing of jobs, they will tell you yes..they do, but then they will start to say that the reason its going on is because policies are too liberal and force businesses to outsource...lol....they will never take the point of view that citizens come first and that the country belongs to the people and not businesses....its like they believe that we exist mostly so that business profits and the rich can make and keep money. In the case of outsourcing, they basically will blame unions, blame EPA guidelines, blame greedy workers for wanting decent salaries and benefits, blame the minimum wage etc... They dont think the govt has the power or the right to say...we want americans working and we are going to make it hard to outsource...
In regards to cutting education....it dovetails nicely also with their ideology because a) cutting education is cutting govt which means the rich pay less taxes, but b) cutting education ensures a more poorly educated society which fits in nicely with their ideology that working people are peons that need to be kept dumb and barely surviving .....|||The Republicans depend on followers, not thinkers for their base. It seems to me that they throw out whatever "Boogieman" words for their base to get excited about. Remember the "Building a Mosque at Ground Zero" one? That really fired up the sheep because that all you seen on these pages for weeks was about that. Now the new "Fear" item is "Teachers, Police %26amp; Firefighters are dragging the economy down" and the sheep respond in full force about that. This too will fade away until the next one is presented to the base. And it goes on and on and on and...|||The answer is simple. More money going towards their corporate handlers. You defund education and more tax dollars go towards some other arms deal or some other Blackwater type deal. Some corporation gets richer and in turn the corporations feed their GOP minions. And the long term goal is a complete deletion of the Dept of Education and the forcing of tax payer monies towards vouchers for education. This again would throw money into corporate America and Wall Street where we would probably see new publicly traded private schools boom. Maybe even see a whole new derivative market for school vouchers.|||When people spend and keep building budgets on money we DON'T have, eventually we end up with a bill we have to fix.
Now we have to fix it.
Now we have no choice.
Now we either fix it, or we lose it.
Enough of this nonsense. Put your question in perspective:
Why are parents cutting my allowance? Isn't getting a car and a cell phone for school (extraneous expenses) more important than avoiding putting ourselves into debt by running up our credit cards?
We all see it, we're all tired of it.
Time to tighten the belt.
Advice from a Democrat who is ALSO a teacher.|||Sometimes, in this country, we have a tendency to throw money at a problem rather than get to the root cause, which is how I feel about education. Sometimes, bad students have bad parents and all the money in the world isn't going to make them a better student.|||There are other things to pay for that are more important.
Republicans are not cutting spending on education to "save" it.|||Most of the money spent on education is wasted. My preference would be for the government to get out of education entirely.|||LBJ started this funding madness in the 1960's and untold BILLIONS have been spent on education and the people are less educated EVERY year. Is you theory that we need to "pound more DOLLARS down the rat hole"?|||http://www.heritage.org/Research/Reports鈥?/a>
Should sum it up for you.|||Because government shouldn't be in the business of feeding propaganda to our children.It should be up to the private sector or they should be home schooled.|||Because republicans see no value in knowledge. Just go to work and vote republican.|||Education is a state function, not federal.|||"Why has the Republicans..."
Sources please|||Union protected teachers salaries are bloated atrocities.|||Poor people been getting too smart.|||sources.|||Because less educated people tend to vote republican.|||Because they need more uneducated people to join the GOP.
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