So instead of throwing more money at the problem, why don't we just fire the awful teachers (which would actually save money, as they get better benefits than the younger teachers)?|||Since not all states have a teacher's union(my father never belonged), those who blame the unions are talking out of their hats. It's easy to pick one thing and say that that is the entire problem. Sadly, that is rarely the case on this planet.
First, we guarantee ourselves a low quality of teacher by what we pay them. When my father started teaching back in 1960, he made $6000 a year. It was a paltry sum then, but if you adjust for inflation, it would have been equivalent to $44,000+. Today's beginning teacher gets less than or right around $30,000. To a great extent, you get what you pay for. If we threw more money at teachers, we might end up with a better crew.
Second, teachers are just one small part of education problems in this country. The number one problem is parents who refuse to be involved in their children's educations, leaving them to the electronic babysitters of TV and video games. They are really caught between a rock and a hard place, since part of the reason they do this is the accepted level of consumerism in this country. Because of the attitude of society, they must work too many hours and both work to support the expected living status.
Third, at the base of our educational system is the belief that all children need the same education and that no one needs to end up as a janitor or garbageman. We need to realistically evaluate students at several levels, requiring of some only what they are capable of receiving, which may be as little as elementary school levels. People need to be shunted to either classical or vocational education after this time. If someone feels that they have been sent the wrong way, all they have to do is show that they can function at the same level as the others in the other group. This would eliminate wasting such huge treasuries on students who have no need for nor will ever use an education that teaches them that William fought the Battle of Hastings in 1066.
Sorry to be so lengthy, but there is no simple answer.|||I don't think it would cost that much to change the testing scheme we have right now, just use it differently. And may existing schools would need only moderate changes to fit them out as vocational schools. There are quite a few of the half day academic/half day trade high schools here in my area
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|||You say that as if its the younger teachers who teach more effectively. That's not always true.
Those stats tend to be skewed too, in our country we educated literally everyone, including those who aren't really capable of learning. We keep borderline mentally challenged people in public schools till they are sixteen and longer, even though they may have reached their maximum capacity for growth years before. We also need longer school days and more school in general.
One other thing we need, a sober family life. Drinking may not be illegal but as our levels of drunkenness go up all facets of life that the family has a say in goes down, children of drunks or druggies don't worry about grades and homework.
Teacher, even schools don't tell the story of our educational problems, its the fact that we don't give teachers respect and the kids pick up on that and don't think they have to listen and behave and learn.
When you talk about awful teachers, you are effectively telling a kid its not his fault, but if some kids in the same teachers class are doing well, its not the teacher. And that's something parents aren't happy about admitting.|||Idk man, Idk, At my district they fired all teachers that haven't been teaching for 5 years leaving all the teachers who spank and verbally abuse staying. My favorite teacher was fired just because it was her fourth year teaching and that was scientifically proven to be the year i learned and upped my points the most. America is a *****......|||The majority of teachers are more concerned about making more money than teaching kids.
If it were about the kids, they wouldn't have the need for unions.
.|||Shhhh.. best not say that. Because the answer will be put the unions all you little liberals love so much into a bad spot..|||because they are protected by the teachers union.
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