Thursday, December 15, 2011

Do you agree with saving the lives of 3rd World people?

Personally, I think it's really unsustainable, and to a degree, sort of cruel, so extend the life of someone who is starving.

I recently saw Bono's "red" campaign- yes, it's really noble and all, but you are extending the life of starving children- their HIV is managed but they still have no money for food or education.

I think programs should be aimed at more sustainable stratergies, before healthcare. Food and education!|||Sorry, but I disagree. I think that if we cannot learn to help those who cannot help themselves then we are doomed to fail ourselves whenever it comes to our own successes.

Of course, I'm basing this on a general belief in karma, but still... I like Bono.|||Who are you?.... nobody Has the simple logic that you just stated.

You are Absolutely correct. The more you save the more they reproduce the more they suffer. When Ireland had its famine it decimated the population and allowed Ireland to regrow, but people want warm and fuzzy FEELING instead of reality.|||America should fix its own problems first before giving aid to other countries.

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