Monday, December 12, 2011

How much do you save for your child's future/education?

She's not even born yet, but I want her to lack nothing in the future and hope she goes far

in her education..and I don't want finances to ever be a block for her.

When I get on my feet and start working agian, what is the average amount per month

you put away for your daughter/son's future?

Thanks!!|||Money market accounts and 529s used to be the way to go, but we lost a big chunk of money on our daughter's college fund so now I just use an old fashion low yield savings acct. I would rather gain 0 interest then lose the money I initially put in.

That said, if you want you child to have $25,000 for college by 18, that would require you put away at least $100 for her per month from birth. That is an amount the many parents can realistically affford. If you want your child to have a full $300,000 college savings account by 18, you'd need to put away $1350 per month... thats not something I can afford.

You know, its not 100% a parents job to be sure their child has limitless money for their education. If your child does well in high school they can earn scholarships to help pay for things, and they can apply for grants and always *gasp* do 2 years at a community college before transfering to an overpriced university.|||We started it with 2000 dollars that we had saved up and for now we just do 25 dollars a month. Once I start working next year we will do 100 a month.

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