Thursday, December 8, 2011

How do we save education from the teacher-haters and negative attitudes of the uninformed masses?

We might be able to save education with the education of the uninformed masses.

After reading the many posts regarding public education (and teacher bashing) on Yahoo Answers, it's amazing how many people have opinions and beliefs that seem to be based totally on their own childhood experiences (if they didn't like school when they were a child then of course they'll probably bring a negative bias about school/teachers into adulthood) and what the general media/political party feeds them. How many have actually recently gone to various schools to see what's really going on? Have they volunteered in classrooms? Have they gone to board meetings? Have they talked to the students, teachers and administration? Do they base their entire opinions on test scores?

Are there schools in need of improvement? Absolutely! But, there are also many excellent public schools doing a fantastic job but the general public rarely sees or hears about these schools. Perhaps these schools need to "advertise their successes" to the public. Unfortunately, feel good stories like these don't increase TV ratings.|||We don't and that's a GOOD thing!

and people wonder why i don't send my kids to public school.|||Too much politics because your friends (republicans) want to sell public education to the corporations. Just like the higher education, their goal is to make profit out of education. The Congress is sabotaging any progressive bill that would enhance our education. First of all the teacher salaries across America should be equal. Teachers must be empowered in order to have more say in running our schools. Most schools are run like “feudal” society where teachers have little or no say in running the schools. .|||We start by educating the students we have to be more open-minded and intelligent than the teacher-haters. Then we let them take all of their jobs. :)

I like Maxma's answer. How many of the people with negative attitudes volunteer in classrooms? I know I sure as heck could use some in MY class to read one-on-one and help with writing.

I personally don't think teachers should all be paid the same. We don't all teach the same. THAT'S the problem we have now!! There are extraordinary teachers, and there are horrific ones who have no business in the profession. They certainly shouldn't be paid the same. Are all doctors paid the same? Lawyers? In order for teachers to BE more professional, they must be TREATED as more professional (and on the flip side, if we'd quit molesting students, maybe the masses wouldn't have such a negative view of us in the first place).|||We keep doing what we think is best--providing the best education for our students as possible. Right now it is fashionable to diss teachers and blame us for all the inequities that the public system has---I teach in a poor urban school and let me tell you, there are TREMENDOUS inequities. We have to ride it out and at some point, it Will swing back.

I know there are many problems with public education--but I'm still waiting for someone to come up with a VIABLE solution. Yes, we need qualified teachers in the classrooms--especially to teach math and science. I don't see those people flocking to the profession. Makes you wonder.

Plus--next time people feel like kicking a teacher or dissing what we do--I invite you to go to a school in your neighborhood--or even one in an area different from where you live--and TALK to people and see what is going on firsthand. Then if you want to diss us, go right ahead.

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