Monday, December 12, 2011

I worked hard to save my money for college, why should I pay for your college education via fat cat liberals?

Hussein Obama has stated that everyone who wants it should receive a college education. I can only assume, as our "leader" he intends to create a new freebie program for people that will study art, sociology, or gender awareness.

Why should I pay for such things!|||i agree,i came from a lower middle class family who couldn't afford my education.i worked for 10 hours a day and attended school for a minimum of 6 hours a day.i appreciate what i have worked for and how i got there.i have put my first 2 children through school.they both worked the whole time to help my youngest is 9 and she wants to attend penn state also.i have saved for 9 years for her.where is the work ethic here?|||I agree that anyone who wants an education should receive it. Especially if they have the grades to support it. I don't mind my tax dollars supporting a medical program or education. I do mind my tax dollars forced to support a bailout that I had no part of to begin with!!!!

I also think there are people that want to go to college to study other things such as art, sociology or gender awareness.|||I still waiting for my check so i wont have to pay for my schooling...

OH WAIT never mind, I sorry, I dont count in obama's plan. . . I have to give my hard earned money up because someone else doesnt want to work as hard as I have to.

makes sense now.|||Oh, and that's just he beginning. I am 57 and have been a professional for 33 years. I am thinking of going into a new profession. You and everyone else will pay for me re-education. It's GREAT!|||Just wait, by the time the Bush tax cuts expire, the Republicans can take back Congress. Any economic bill put forth by Obama calling for tax increases will be rejected. |||because you just proved to us that you are not worth of an education

so just hand it over to someone one else who actually will use his brain to get a good education instead of spewing hate like you|||The same reason you're paying for the corporate welfare "bailout" bush signed.|||College didn't teach you anything did it? |||Only 20% of those who go to college can use it in their jobs. The rest would be better off in trade schools.

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