Thursday, December 15, 2011

What are some good money saving tips?

Anything from shopping to transportation to clothing to education to buying prostitutes in bulk. No, but anything would be good.|||Here are things my wife and I do to save money. We carefully evaluate every purchase to try to ensure we are getting good value for our money. We do not go to $100 concerts or sporting events. We look for free or low-priced entertainment (and there is plenty around that we enjoy). We do not have a bigger TV than all the neighbors. We buy modest cars and drive them as long as possible. I brown bag my lunch most days. We eat dinner at home most nights. When we do go out, it's to a modest restaurant, not whatever the latest fad place is. When we eat out, we avoid the items with really high markups - appetizers, desserts, drinks (especially alcohol but even soda). We wear respectable but basic clothes until they start to get holes in them. We do not care about the latest fashion trends. Buying what is not in high demand saves a lot of money. My wife does a great job with using coupons and shopping at sales to save money on groceries. She knows the typical prices of the things we use and if some store has a big sale, she buys as much as we'll be able to use before it gets stale. Some items she never pays full price for because she can buy 3 months worth at one sale and then before we run out it's on sale again. Buying store brand items (when they're good, which we've found about 80% of the time they are) saves money too.|||Combine errands to reduce driving.

Consider utilizing public transportation, walking or biking.

Learn to use coupons.

Track your spending.

Cut out luxuries such as cable, restaurants, video games, etc.

If financing a car, sell it and buy one for cash.

Saving comes down to self discipline and maturity. You have to deprive yourself of something you want now, so that you can have something else you want later.

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