Monday, December 12, 2011

Should Education in WI be privatized to save taxpayer money? Think of the efficiencies, think of profits!!!?

A good, and fair company would respect their employees and compete with better wages for quality staff. Through efficency savings would result in a profit, somnetimes small, sometimes large. The kids would get a great education, possibly, and the unions would be crushed. Win-Win for all

Maybe Everest College could bid on this?

Anyone else as crazy as me to believe this?

Agree or Strongly Agree?|||I will have to disagree since it costs about 4 times as much to attend a private school as it does a public school...and the private school are allowed to accept or decline anyone for any reason. In my city, Los Angeles the cost is less than $10,000 per student, a private school will cost an average of $35,000. You could expect that to go up if schools were forced to accept special need children, children with behavioral problems, etc. Yes, a good fair company would respect their employees, there just aren't many of those around! Suddenly, the main concern would not be the students, it would not be the teachers, it would not be education. It would be the share holders' returns. No, I'm not as crazy as you. I strongly disagree.|||Private schools can and do pick and choose which students to admit. Public schools must take everyone, and that includes children with all types of disabilities. Some of these children cost $50,000 and more to educate for one year, and no private school can effectively do this (the ones who do cost about the same as in the public sector). And there ARE unions in many private schools and also colleges and universities.|||How would that save money? People wouldn't be able to afford to send their kids to school. They currently are paid for by taxes. I don't see the reduction in taxes being enough to pay for school because people like me pay for people's kids when I don't have any. And you know what? I am fine with that.|||Let them do it online The University of Phoenix, No it should not be privatized, ever look at private colleges Vs Public colleges private are at least 3x as much as public . Most Private k-12 schools get money from the church's ,are the church's going to pay to educate all of the children|||Privatizing schools would not only be good for the economy but it would make kids actual learn, unlike in public schools.|||Great idea;

But you would have to give out government vouchers to those people who were not wealthy enough to send their kids to private school.|||Great idea, strongly agree. Bad teachers would get fired instead of sent to the rubber room to collect a paycheck for doing nothing but ruining children.|||No, not everyone can afford a private school.

There's already enough student debt with college, now let's add 12 more years on too it! Makes perfect sense!|||For a lot of people, it simply would be too expensive to pay for their kid's education. I say no, as we need to invest in our future.|||Well except for the schools that don't land the best teachers...I guess those kids will just have to deal.|||Think of all the people who wouldn't be able to afford private schools.|||We can be just as backwards as medieval Europe! Oh it will be so fun.||| all other places in the US as well.|||Yes, all of America.

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