Thursday, December 8, 2011

What is the best type of long term savings plan to save for my children's education from middle school up?

I plan on having my children attend private middle school and up and want to start saving. We live in Maryland.|||get gold and silver bullion it will not go to 0 like many stocks

and loose purchasing power over time like the dollar

FDIC is broke who knows what is going to happen|||there is no way of telling you what is best for you and your family on yahoo. most bank and financial service offer free advise on college saving or for kids. they have the best resource to help you with your saving plan. there are many things you can do for now like putting money away into a highest interest paying account you can find and don't touch it until you'll know what to do with it. Most financial advisor will allocate your money for you and tell you how much you need to put away each week in order to put your kid through school.|||Your best bet is to talk to a financial adviser that can tell you what is best for your individual situation. As far as a starting point, either a 529 plan or Coverdell Savings account.|||I think something simple like an ISA with a defined contrib. each month would suffice.

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