Thursday, December 8, 2011

What's more important? Paying for a private school from day 1 or saving for a college education?

Private school vs. college? I personally think if you are going to spend tons of money on an education for your kids it should be for college (assuming you can't afford both). One side of my family sent their kids to private schools their whole lives and didn't have a cent saved for them to go to college, so only one of my cousins made it that far through scholarships. What's the point of spending all that money on an expensive education if your kids aren't going to further their education after high school? I'm not downing anyone I just wanted some other opinions on this topic.I never see anyone bring it up.|||Unless the public schools are really bad, I'd save the money and invest it in the child who actually decides to go to college. You can't predict in elementary school whether your child will choose college or not. In the second place, research shows that going to private schools doesn't actually give them an advantage in the college admissions process. Kids with talent and motivation tend to do well anywhere. As long as they get good test scores and good grades, they have the same chance as any private school student. And as for access to advanced courses and test prep, you can find that somewhere in high school, even if you have to go outside of the local district. It will still be cheaper than private school from K-12. Where I live, the public schools are as good as any of the private schools. My kids did extremely well, got into their first choice schools, and won scholarships. They couldn't have done any better at the $6000 a year private school.|||college. Seriously I watched world's strictest parents on bbc iplayer and there was a boy who went to private school all his life n was a perfect boy until he hit 16. Then he dropped out of school n started drinking, smoking, drugs etc.. overall he wasted over one hundred grand on his education for nothing. Education comes from diciplin in the home. And there are so many decent state school outt there like mine. The only difference between the school may be the building is posher andyou pay monstrous amounts of money on it.|||what's the alternative to the private schools?

if it was a question of sending my child to a terrible public school or paying for a good private school and then scraping around for loans, grants, and a less expensive college, i'd do the latter.

if it was a question of sending my child to a really expensive private school when there was a very good public option, as well, that strikes me as ridiculous, and i'd rather save that money for college or wherever else it's needed.|||Depends on the kids. Most of the people I know who's parents paid for their college education didn't take it seriously, didn't work hard at High School, and didn't graduate. The kids I knew who had to work hard and go on their own steam got their degree, even if it took them 20 years.

If you put that choice to me, I'd say private schools over college. If my kids want to go, I want them to work for it themselves.|||If you live in a good public district, college. If you live in a bad public school area, can't move, can't home school, and can't get a charter school or other alternative, private.

FWIW, my husband went to a boarding school. He's flunked out of college 3 times, but through the contacts he made at the rich boy boarding school (where he got into because of his brains), he ended up making at one point more than 3x's what I was with a B.A.|||Saving for a college education...|||I would say it is far more important to save for a college education.|||God led us out of public school, and into homeschooling, through a Private Christian School... so we did that, and it all makes more sense for US to do so, As God has revealed more about the childrens futures... I would say pray on it.. and perhaps you will hear what God has to tell you. The purpose, the Natural Giftings, any other giftings that God may download into this child that you speak of IS ALL KNOWN by the ONE who knows all. Your connection to Him is crucial..

Then you can trust His plan, His leading, %26amp; when He gives a Vision.. then PROVISION comes. And you may be led to certain things to get it, of which will bless you by your obedience.. Dont go always according to the plans of others, and follow the masses with the classes.. for, what God may have for your child may not be what many are doing..

It depends on the purpose of the child..

Some pay for Private School %26amp; the character of the kid is still no good.. And they still pick up many attitudes, influences, while they arent even a strong person, yet, ALL while in a Public OR a PRIVATE School setting..

Many parents with kids that constantly act bad ARE IN those Private those parents have realized that the corruption in their child was brought on, %26amp; influenced by peers..

You really have to be led on this..

But some Homeschool %26amp; dont work on childs character %26amp; end up having the same issues as the public school children will have %26amp; fight for life...

As for college, so far, for US..we are NOT led to go. For many, many reasons..most likely wont go... But, what God may have aprocess for your child to go through in the schooling system, there, for his/her career, ministry, life, influence, platform, or help in society..etc

I would suggest that you pray about it.. As Jesus knows the giftings both seen or noticed, and undiscovered within your child.. these are clues to where this child is to be used, for good in the world.

His peace within wont fully be found without the specific assignment %26amp; purpose for his/her life..and more troubles come to teach us, as we arent in it as well. ;0

And you dont want to waste money in systems that you need not .. When God wants to "school" someone, He knows how..with out man-made systems... so whatever way He leads, just do it.- The child, soon to be adult, wont be happy outside of his/her purpose..and youdont want the child to switch majors a million times, and live on Credit Cards, as does most society, as they have followed what the masses say %26amp; do, not thinking what may happen in the end thereof.. which costs you in more ways than Cents..which can steal from your future %26amp; opportunities..

Private School now is better, IF you cannot homeschool..or get free homeschool books %26amp; have child to be with an at-home-parent or gaurdian in the day, while you work.. the peace of the child will be increased if you can.. They will learn to not fall to pressures, cause you mould inside b4 the agendas of others, %26amp; he/she will be more loyal to family, %26amp; not peers..

If you do Private the influences in there as well %26amp; his/her peers.. find a good one with good decerning teachers that know what the kids are really up that you dont have regrets..cause what our unwise kids pick up from other unwise kids can be damaging, or be something that cant be reversed..

* Instead of College, the child may be able to see about R.O.P. classes.. these should be CHEAP or FREEEEEEEEEE...and very hands on...and I have done this..I paid %26amp; got paid back at the completion of classes %26amp; hours.

We are considering this, perhaps..but, God knows..hope this helps..God may bring this back to your rememberance, if needed..if this is your path as well. peace.

********** Many dont even end up doing what they went to school for, or change majors so much that they have more debt because of it...and then they spend life paying it back, ROP faster, or build a biz, and most go to college only to find that they would not need what was taught.

I know the majority does it.. but, many dont question it.. get outside the box..freedoms there.

SORRY didnt edit.:)

%26amp; i gave u a book!i;)|||College education has always been more important to our family. When you are trying to get a job, they want to know what kind of degree you have and where you went to college. Just a high school diploma or a GED will never cut it in the long run. You need that college degree. If you can afford both, then go for it. We are blessed with money, but not to put 3 kids through top notch schooling in a rich area and then a a really good school.

We had our kids in private school when they were young to kick start learning, and then in public school the rest of their lives. We live in a good district with a nice public school, so we never had to worry about that. I guess if we lived in a bad part we would have them in private school and pushing scholarships. That's the thing, if you push good grades and hard work, and they get those grades and work hard, they have an easier time getting a scholarship and you aren't spending an arm and leg for college.

Our oldest is a senior in high school, has about 5 baseball scholarships to different colleges, and has some pretty good schools looking at him and wanting him to attend there. Never went to a top notch private school, went to public school...studied hard and did good in extracurricular activities...does a lot of community service and cares about his grades...we can send him where ever he wants to go, and with his hard work, he can go just about anywhere he pleases.|||Public schools can't compete with private schools education-wise. So if you don't have the foundation, you will have a very tough time getting into a top college, and a tough time being able to handle the work. You could be a very smart kid, but if your high school is not rigorous enough, it works against you in college admissions. (My dh participates in the admissions process for his ivy alma mater.) Even top public schools don't have nearly the rigorous curriculum as top private schools, there is no comparison. And the top colleges offer most students who aren't "rich" great financial aid. The families that make too much money for financial aid generally find a way to afford private colleges.

At Harvard, if your parents make less than $60,000, they pay nothing, and then it rises to a maximum 10% of income at $180,000 ($18,000 cost to parents, which is less than a good private school.) Harvard costs about $55,000 a year. If a student's family is at a level where you won't be able to get financial aid at top colleges, there may be merit scholarships, that are extremely competitive, and go to the top students, often private school students. Many top private colleges have similar financial aid packages.

And life is about the experience, the journey. My son loves his private high school, he's loved it since he was in K, most of his friends feel the same way and he knows kids at about 20 area private schools. It's extremely rigorous, but he will be able to get into any college he wants. He has many public school friends, and their schools aren't that bad, but none of them love school. It's definitely worth the expense to me. (And it's LA, so it's expensive.)|||Private school is not any better than a decent public school in terms of the education. Plus when you get a job they don't look at high school education, all they see is that you graduated high school or have a GED so it's not like it gives them the edge. College will give you the edge on anybody who hasn't gone to college, even if they went to private school. They don't really look into what college you went to either unless it is something impressive like an Ivy League School, they mostly just care about what your degree of education, associates, bachelors, masters, doctorate, etc.

College is what matters. To be honest I think we need to do away with schools. They are a huge money pit. I think apprenticeships are the most efficient way to get careers.

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