Thursday, December 8, 2011

Did you hear about Utah's new plan to cut education to save $$$$$?

Utah state senator Chris Buttars is proposing a plan to make the 12th grade optional for high school students. This could save Utah up to $250-$300 million dollars a year. But in my own Personal opinion, you should never interfere with a child's education. So what do you think about this proposal?|||it is amazing that a grown adult will look at the preposterous waste in govt spending (how they spend, not what they spend it on) and actually say that education is a good place to cut costs.

how about he give up his millions and millions of dollars in annual benefits so that kids can continue to go to school.

this is the best example i've seen to demonstrate that the WRONG guys are in charge right now...|||What do you mean optional? It is already. Haven't you heard of people dropping out of high school?|||Well my view is that children aren't educated enough.

However, there's nothing special about the 12th grade. There's nothing about that year that makes or breaks the education system. It's already broken, and that doesn't harm it much.|||a republican senator i am sure. they love to mess with education. he is wrong of course.|||Isn't 12th grade already optional? I thought kids could drop out when they're 16 if they wanted to.

I don't believe in public funding of education in the first place. It is the responsibility of parents to educate their children.|||yeah good idea, thers lots of people who have no need to do that last year, sure its great for those who want to go on and into college, but its pointless for those who want to join the work forice or go into trade schools etc...|||I thought at age 16 one could drop out. Perhaps that is not currently the case in Utah.|||If students are aptitude qualifed before they reach the 12 grade, go for it. However, your school system should require students to pass a SAT test prior to graduating. They fail that, they will not be prepared for life even on a minimal level. That be said, they'll cost your state more than $25 mil vs. you think they'll save.|||Utah should cut down on its stupid state government first. Like all state governments, it has got to be rolling in fat and waste.|||Just another stupid politician trick to whip the electorate into line. In any time of fiscal troubles education is always right at the top of the list to receive cuts in dollars. This gives the party in power the ability to scare the voters and get them to do as they want and raise taxes. Good luck to you

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